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Sunday, 29 October 2017

Joey's Weekly Challenge #188
String given:

Use tangle Frunky by Katharina Konigsbauer-Kolb
Other tangles used:
Fassett and Phroz by Lynne Mead
Day 19: Hibred
Day 20: Hollibaugh
Day 21: Meer
Day 22: Yincut
Day 23: Pokeleaf
All the above are official tangles
Day 24: Florz - official pattern
Day 25: Auraknot - official pattern and Singapore sling by Stephanie Jennifer
Day 26: Wibble - Shawna Martin


Monday, 23 October 2017

Joey Challenge #187
Challenge: use following string as well as Betweed, an official tangle.
Other tangle used:
Paradox, also an official tangle
Day 8: Twizted - Terri Brown
Day 9: Hurry - Zentangle original
Day 10 : Flux - Zentangle original
Day 11: Bales - Zentangle original

Day 12: Patience - Jody Genovese
Day 13: Printemps - Zentangle original
Day 14: Crescent Moon - Zentangle original
Day 15: Flukes - Zentangle original

Day 16: Tripoli - Zentangle original
Day 17: Shattuck - Zentangle original
Day 18: IX - Zentangle original

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Joey Challenge #186
Tile 9
Use Pokeleaf , a Zentangle original

I've also used MI2 by Mimi Lempart

Here is my finished piece. I cut the tiles myself and apparently not so well, because it does not fit very good some places. I've also added a bit more pink to the entire piece.

And my day 3 to 6 of Inktober challenge :
Feeling Knotty - Cherryl Moote
Diva Dance - Zentangle original
Marusa - Zentangle original
Ponio - Mei Hua Teng
Rixty - Zentangle original
and filled the empty spaces with Pixioze by Margaret Bremner and "shaded" with a white pastel pencil.
(I am far behind and this is definitely in the spirit of Inktober)

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Joey Challenge #178 tile 8

Ai Joey and again you floored me! - Printemps! I already have printemps. So the best idea I could come up was using Printemps as a string and I added Dicso (Mina Hsiao) which is the tangle for day 2 of Stephanie Jennefir's #InktoberTangles.

#InktoberTangles day 1 Bunzo.
Bunzo border filled by Printemps, both Zentangle originals. I wanted to do the shading by using a coloured pencil, but I did not have the right colour and decided to use an ordinary pencil  instead.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

JoeyChallenge #178 tile 7

We had to use Nzeppel, a Zentangle original for this tile. Nzeppel is not the focus tangle in this tile since I have already used it in the other tiles. Other tangles I have used was one of my favourites - Sandswirl by Karry Heun and Printemps also a Zentangle original.

I have eventually completed challenge #175 by guest blogger Stephanie Jennifer
Tangles used:
Naida - Stephanie Jennifer
Printemps - Zentangle original
Cadentoo - Lianne Woods
Claws - Helena